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YouTube - Injecting the information

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags internet

I remember when Google bought YouTube. Like most everyone else (probably) I thought ‘WTF did they do that for?’

YouTube was always a bit ‘meh’ to me. My interest in watching Aunty Sue’s beach holiday excursion, or some amateur’s attempt at creating the next Cecil B Demille epic on a $50 budget just wasn’t there.

Well, more fool me.

A couple of years ago I woke up to the fact that a lot of really smart people create a lot of really good informational videos. I don’t know why they do it. Some obviously get revenue from it. No doubt some like the limelight. Others probably just want to share their knowledge. Whatever, it’s awesome!

I probably now wouldn’t go more than a couple of days without watching some sort of instructional video on YouTube. Maths. Electronics. Software. Hydraulics. Engines. CNC. Lasers. You name it.

Dave Jones at the EEVBlog.

My favorite tools for injecting the information:

  1. The keystrokes SHIFT + > for speeding up the video (but not too much or I lose track).
  2. Arrow left and right for 5sec skips (Yep, sometimes some stuff is gonna be too boring).
  3. Mouse over the progress bar to show the pop-up thumbnail of the video at that time (to find a bit you want to see in the video).