Stu Pocknee

Stu Pocknee

I'm a bloke who has made a career out of knowing things about farming, and about technology.

I was trained in the agricultural sciences. I hold BS, MS, and PhD degrees.

I've been a software developer for almost 30 years. I specialize in spatial data, particularly as it relates to precision agriculture.

I'm not much of an agronomist, and I'm not an especially talented software developer. But by combining skills and domain knowledge from both these areas I have been able to make useful contributions, put value in customer's hands, and build a successful career.

I've been a university researcher, a custom software developer, and a businessman. My most recent gig was running a software company specializing in applications for agricultural earthworks.

I live in Toowoomba, Australia, where people are generally friendly and not predisposed to killing each other with tanks and rockets. My girlfriend, my wife, and my mistress are all awesome. That the three of them happen to be the same person simplifies my life greatly. We have a couple of gorgeous kids. There is much to be thankful for. I still complain. C'est la vie.

Online I read:

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