Dirt - Sparks - Code

Self indulgent rambling. Minimal redeeming attributes.



Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags language , general

Queen's Park in the morning is normally a low key bustle of walkers, young kids on the play sets, and exercise coaches attempting to fulfill the dreams of hopeful clients. Often present is the background noise of mowers or other power tools - Council staff battling truculent vegetation indifferent to human requirements for geometry and order.

Walking through this today I was yanked from my contemplations by a loud "Why the fuck would you doooo that?" out to my right. Glancing over (as you naturally would) I saw a tree lopper atop a lowered cherry picker remonstrating with his ground minions.

The context? No idea. Hopefully it did not involve threat to life or [human] limb.

I reflexively gave a wry chuckle and murmured aloud "What a good question". The female in the couple I happened to be passing at the time chimed in "Well, we all want to know now...".

I would love a dollar for every time I have:

It's a universal knee-jerk reaction to various scenarios, and usually involves some level of one or more the following:

Other versions worth a (purely gratuitous) mention:

Of course there are also PG and non verbal variants available. Clearly those are reserved for extreme occasions and used only by articulate individuals capable of exhibiting grown-up levels of self restraint. That is to say, nobody I know.
