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Toowoomba Marathon 2024

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags health , running

TL;DR: A synopsis of a great day out on the track. Toowoomba Marathon 2024. First published as this facebook post.

TRR Group Photo

Toowoomba's running community has been looking forward to Marathon day for months.

The day delivered perfect running conditions. Cool, dry, still, shaded.

A buzz of excitement in the air. Each event beginning with a mass of expectant stationary bodies. Nervous motion. Jogging on the spot. Stretching. Adjusting gear. Greeting mates.

The starter's signal unleashes a streaming mélange onto the course.

Bodies feel strong. Excitement and adrenaline add wings to feet. Running feels easy!

Speedsters surge to the front. Their wake is populated by a wide spectrum of running abilities. Young. Old. Fast. Slow. Veterans. Novices.

The hills work their magic. For locals they are an expected and unavoidable participation bonus. Visitors form their own opinions.

Perth St. Tourist Rd. Long St. Campbell St. Prince Henry Dr. Dudley St.

Names that must live in infamy.

Those who push their limits are soon breathing hard and girding mental resources to keep legs rolling and feet pounding.

Edwardian and colonial houses peer from amongst the leafy avenues, witness to the colorful footwear flashing by.

How good to see comrades passing by on the track? A grin (tired, or fresh). A word of encouragement, or inspiration. A high five.

Drinks stations teamed by friends and fellow runners. They've given up their opportunity to run, to facilitate the event.

Along with hydration and fuel, they serve psychological support.

Kilometer merges into kilometer. Mileage markers approach, and then recede to the rear. Legs begin to rebel.

Every step pulls the finish line closer. Finally, the stadium gate appears. Somehow you find new energy. The back straightens and cadence firms. Cheers from spectators ring in your ears as you flit through the finishers chute and under the final arch.

A day of personal accomplishment. Of conversation, and excitement.

A celebration of our elites. Their physical form. Their demonstrated dedication. Their embodiment of club ideals.

So much pride in seeing TRR colors on display as our podium finishers receive their awards.

Equally, a celebration of our "ordinary" club members, their friends and families. Be they running, organizing, or performing the myriad of support tasks required.

Out before dawn doing course setup. Manning registration and information desks. Marshalling and guiding runners. Staffing the finishing line. Performing various critical tasks.

Champions all!


TRR Pacers

Course layout

The view down Tourist Rd from Picnic Point [credit]

Heading from East Creek along Long St [credit]

Drinks station vollies on Campbell St
