Dirt - Sparks - Code

Self indulgent rambling. Minimal redeeming attributes.


Tease me please

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags LinkedIn , business

Here's some LinkedIn spam I received today. This type of email has a 100% probability of going straight to trash.

I read it as "Get in contact with me because I've got a great deal for you. Or maybe I do. Who knows. I don't actually know what you do so I don't know if what I have is at all relevant. These messages are easy and cheap for me to send, and I don't really care about your time. If I send out enough of these messages I'm bound to sell something to somebody."

No information other than some nebulous reference to "AI/Drone AgTech". It's like one of those social media emails that tells me someone has left me a message - "Click here to find out what it is". Really? You couldn't have just added the message to the email? No, of course not, that wouldn't get me to come back to your poxy site would it?

How would I have written this? Probably something like:

Hi Stuart, I hope it's been a good start to 2022. There are a couple of grants that have opened this year that are in the AI / Drone and AgTech space for regional areas. You can read more about them at:

  • link 1
  • link 2
  • link 3

My company does X & Y and if you are interested in pursuing any of these opportunities we can help by doing Z. If you just want to have a general chat so I can understand more about what you do, I'll also keep an eye out for opportunities that might fit your needs.

Happy to send you more information if you'd like.


Old Mate

The reality is that there is unlikely to be a relevant grant. Old mate wants people in his Rolodex in case he comes across something relevant. Fine. I'm not against people hustling to make a living. Just don't start the relationship with a sleezy spammy approach and expect me to do the legwork for you.

Now, where is that Delete button.