Dirt - Sparks - Code

Self indulgent rambling. Minimal redeeming attributes.



Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags facebook , running , health

This is short Q&A type profile the folks at my local Parkrun did with me.

Kinda fun (thanks Theresa!)

Original is on Facebook here.

Without further ado:

Parkrun Profiles: Introducing Stuart (Stu)

1. What year did you start parkrunning and which was your first parkrun event?

My first parkrun was at Queens Park in October of 2022. It was also my very first PB, at 25:58 💪😁 I'm now at number 53, and counting.

2. What motivated you to start parkrunning?

I'd been doing solo runs, and running with others sounded like fun. It was free. It was healthy. A 7am start on a Saturday was not a big ask. And I was kind of curious to see what sort of person might turn up to such an event!

3. What drives you to return to parkrun each week?

It's a bit addictive. The recording of times and milestones sucks you in. You've always got the next achievement in the back of your mind. Good things happen at parkrun. It's where I first learned about the Toowoomba Road Runners Club. I approached some random guy (Mark Galley) in a club shirt, and he spent the rest of the run telling me stuff. Little did I know that less than a year later we'd be finishing the Honolulu Marathon together! At this stage I'd have to say that I go as much to see friends, as to run. However, I am still hunting that next PB!

4. What would you say to someone who hasn’t been to a parkrun but is considering coming along?

Just do it. Nobody is too slow, or too old. Don't be afraid to talk to people and ask questions. Everyone is super friendly. There are some competitive types who might be too busy running to talk, but I'm not fast enough to keep up with them 😉

5. Favourite parkrun and why?

Queens Park, and Middle Ridge if I feel speedy. It's about the people in both cases. As I travel more, and do parkruns further afield, I am sure I will run in more exotic locales, but these two will always be "home" for me.

Thanks Stu for sharing with us and being our first Parkrun Profile. If you see Stu out on the course feel free to say hi 👋 and ask him any questions you might have about Parkrun.
