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Self indulgent rambling. Minimal redeeming attributes.


My favorite zebra crossing

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags general

I imagine everybody has a favorite zebra crossing.

Having one costs nothing, and it enhances your life.

This is mine.

Corner of Hume and Margaret.

I traverse it most days of the week.

Trooping up to it, I stop, and look for oncoming traffic.

The flow here is one way (it's a slip lane), so the process isn't very complicated.

If there is a car approaching, I'll look to the driver to see if they are stopping.

In Australia, failing to yield to a pedestrian at a zebra crossing is illegal. More importantly, it's bad form.

Normally, the car will slow up, and the driver will wave to let me know they've seen me, or to motion me across.

I'll salute, mouth a "thank you!", and quickly ambulate on over to the other side.

This process never fails to give me joy.

Despite their legal obligation, I still feel the oncoming driver is being courteous and helpful. And I enjoy letting some random stranger know that I appreciate their efforts.

A meaningless and trivial interaction?

I don't see it that way. It is a poignant reminder that we're all playing this game together.

Looking out for each other.

Proffering, and receiving, small acts of recognition and kindness.

Sometimes being a human doesn't feel too bad.