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My dieting tag cloud

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags general , health , larapinta

As part of my preparation for an upcoming hiking adventure I have been walking with a loaded pack.

The pack weighs 13kg (give or take).

As it happens, my body mass when I started training was at least 13kg above what medical advice suggested as a healthy BMI for me.

Which got me thinking. A 13kg pack is heavy. It takes serious effort to lug it any distance. So how much excess work are my joints, organs, etc doing to haul my extra 13kg of fat around daily? Also, if I could lose 13kg of fat, my body would be doing no more work carrying a pack than it had previously been doing without a pack. It's kind of like carrying a pack for free. I do love a bargain.

Consequently, I'm dieting.

No tricks. No fads. Just eating less, and exercising more.

It's miserable. Below is a representation of where my daily thoughts are.

On the other hand, it appears to be working. I'm well on schedule to lose the excess weight prior to hitting the trail in a couple of months.
