Dirt - Sparks - Code

Self indulgent rambling. Minimal redeeming attributes.


Meet Jim

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags general , fitness , coding

This is Jim.

I bought Jim to keep me company in the office. Being a coder is pretty unhealthy. I've always thought it would be good to have exercise gear right along side you in the office. I really wanted something for the coders at my last gig. As I was spending shareholder money, and not my own, I couldn't justify it. There were other hills to die on. The freedom of no longer having to answer to a board has meant that Jim and I are now mates.

I'm not under any illusion that Jim is doing anything spectacular for my physique. Those days are long gone. Nowadays the best that can be said about my body is that it's a potentially lucrative playground for chiropractors, physios, and joint replacement surgeons.

But Jim does get me away from the screens once or twice a day, and will maybe keep something other than my finger joints in operating condition. Also, I like the colors.

Good to have you along Jim!