Dirt - Sparks - Code

Self indulgent rambling. Minimal redeeming attributes.



Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags general , health , humor

Walking to work daily is both invigorating and relaxing.

It is not without dangers however.

I am, of course, talking about manholes.

I have not noticed any relevant public service anouncements regarding this issue.

Possibly there is no need for concerted government action as most people are already aware of the inherent peril. Just in case there remains any ignorance in the community I have created a helpful pictoseries detailing the threat mechanism.

Some people think I have Manholephobia (or as I prefer,"Punjiphobia").


Thankfully there are simple and effective ways to live harmoniously alongside manholes.

The single most effective way of avoiding becoming a manhole victim (other than not leaving your house) is to avoid ever stepping on a manhole cover.

The graphic hereunder demonstrates examples of correct and incorrect methods for negotiating the risks present in the photograph above. Obviously there are multiple routes that can be taken to avoid stepping on utility hole covers. When choosing the "best" path it is critical to be obsessive, to be assiduous, and to fearlessly embrace your own careful and informed judgment.

Inexplicably, manholes have escaped the modern trend that demands every possible public hazard be adorned with caution signs, flashing LEDs, and beeping buzzers. Accordingly, constant vigilance is required. Be especially alert for the presence of modern camouflaged variants.

Yeah. You little bastards aren't fooling anyone.

So that's it. Life is full of risk. I hope you have found this helpful. Be safe out there.
