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Invasion Day

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags indigenous affairs , general


I've never been offended by those who want to rebadge Australia Day as "Invasion Day".

I'm quite a literal person, and the colonization of Australia by the British well fits my definition of the word "invasion".

If the shoe fits, wear it. 🤷‍♂️

The moniker "Invasion Day" is a quantitative description.

It says nothing about the event qualitatively.

D-Day1 was an invasion. It is celebrated annually throughout the western hemisphere.

I'm perfectly happy to celebrate "Invasion Day". It's an autological name, and changes little about the significance or meaning of the event. To the extent that it recognizes the struggle and sacrifice involved (on all sides) it might actually be preferable. If people want use the day to grieve/mourn the dispossession/misery that accompanied the First Nations Nakba, it bothers me not. I figure that's up to individuals, and a potential win-win.

It's true that "Australia Day" is about much more than just initial settlement and attendant repercussions. But in a sense, all that we celebrate (or mourn) can be linked in some way to the initial event.

Invasion Day?

Whatever, I'm ok with it.

Give me something more challenging to express my existential angst over.2


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normandy_landings

  2. What about "Genocide Day"? Dunno, but I think I'd be against this. Mainly because this moniker has quantitative and qualitative connotations, and therefore lacks the required inclusivity of concerns.