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How is this ok?

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags internet , google , marketing

I don't get how this can be considered ok.

You do a search on Google and the top result is exactly what you were looking for. Because either you're pretty good with your search terms, or Google is pretty good at reading your mind.

Either way Google thinks it knows what you need, and it gets served up as the first organic listing.


But they also decide to stick a paid advert for the exact same company as the first clickable option.

You click on it. No skin off your nose, you get what you wanted. But the company gets screwed. You were going to find them and visit their site either way. Thanks to Google they just had to pay for it.

Am I wrong? Does this click get zeroed out? I doubt it.

It is sordid, disreputable, sleezy.

Convince me I'm wrong.