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Downloading your Facebook archive

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags social media , internet , coding

Both Facebook and Twitter allow you to download an archive of the content (photos, videos, posts etc) you have posted to their sites.

Neither of them make it particularly easy. But it is good that they allow it.

Twitter was no big deal. It all worked pretty much as advertised.

Facebook I am still struggling with. The first couple of go arounds I ended up with all the images and videos being corrupted in some way. They either would not display, would partially display, or were greatly down sampled.

I waited a week or so and tried again. This time the media files seemed ok but the archive contained the below ".zip.enc" file.

Internet chatter suggests it is some sort of encrypted content that should not be there and maybe indicates that part of the downloaded archive is missing.

From Reddit:

I guess I'll try requesting again. Given that it takes a few days for them to actually assemble the archive (why?) you probably don't want to be in a hurry when you are doing this...

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