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Don't let the door hit you on the way out

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee

Here’s a pet peeve of mine currently (regarding website interactions).

It seems to be a thing now to figure out when you are navigating away from a page, and then stick you with a message of some sort.

When your mouse goes up to the navigation bar, a popup appears imploring you to do something. It’s like they are thinking “Well, they are leaving, I might as well jam an advertisement into them!”.

Something about this annoys the heck out of me. Not least because it is not uncommon for my mouse to stray back up near the location bar even if I am not leaving the site. It’s bloody annoying to then have a completely intrusive modal window jammed into your browser.

A pox on all web developers who rely on this technique.

2022 Addition: Looks like there might be a name for it even: Exit Intent Popup.