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Chrome outdone by Edge

Stu Pocknee
Stu Pocknee
tags internet , twitter

I never use Edge.

I was kind of excited by Edge when it first came out. I thought maybe Microsoft would leverage it to offer a more integrated development environment for creating web applications in Visual Studio.

However, it quickly became apparent that it was lacking in many areas (don’t ask me to list them, I don’t remember). So it got shoved to the side and I went back to Chrome, and have been there ever since.

I just came across an instance where I actually got some value out of Edge. Lately I have noticed when using Twitter on Chrome I can’t perform a CTRL-F search properly. Because Twitter has an infinite scroll you can quickly end up with a page that is very long. Trying to do a search, however, seems to only pick up instances of a word within a few scroll pages of where you currently are.

It never used to be this way. I could CTRL-F search and highlight every instance of a word going back though months and months of tweets (or thousands of followers).

As a work-around I tried to CTRL-A, CTRL-C and then paste text into Notepad++. No dice, it only copied about 200 lines of text despite selecting many thousands of lines. Weird.

I tried the same CTRL-F search in Edge. Worked first time. Nice.

I’m not about to bail on Chrome any time soon. It’s a reminder, however, that things are fluid in the internet world. It is good to have choices, and it is good to keep an open mind about your toolsets.

Update 2022-02

Looks like the new Edge now does the same annoying thing as Chrome.